The modern-day town of Chazuta is built on top of an archaeological site, where several funeral urns have been uncovered. The urban excavation occupies the lateral alluvial terrace of the Haulage River, covering an area of approximately 100 hectares. The town’s population is about 5000. Archaeologically, the discovery of funeral urns in Chazuta and its surroundings confirms the historical and cultural importance of the Central Huallaga region.

Location Access
Province: San Martín
230 kilometers
from Yurimaguas
to Chazuta
8 hours by bus
50 kilometers from
Tarapoto to
2 hours by car
District: Chazuta
In the lower reaches
of the Huallaga
River, on the border
between the high
and low jungle
Site Details
Entrance Fee:
Opening Hours:
Museum & Other Services:
Restricted N/A N/A